No soy seguidora de ninguna modelo, ni cantante, ni actriz... pero he de reconocer que si tuviera que elegir una cara famosa, sin duda sería ella, Cara Delevigne. Creo que tiene un rostro diferente al resto, su seña de identidad, como bien dice ella, son sus cejas. Creo que las cejas son muy importantes en el rostro. Unas cejas arregladas, gruesas y naturales son lo que más me llama la atención de cualquier rostro. Esta modelo londinense de 22 años, es la cara más fresca y popular que todas las grandes marcas se rifan. Os dejo unas imágenes, qué opináis vosotros?
I´m not a follower of any model, singer or actress... but I have to admit that if I had to choose a famous face, undoubtedly will be she, Cara Delevigne. I think that have a diferent face to the rest of people, her identity mark, like she says, are her eyebrows. I think eyebrows are very inportant in the face. Fixed eyebrows, thick and naturals are the most important features in the face .This 22 years old London model, is the coolest and popular and all the most important brads wants her services. I leave you some pics,what do you think?
I´m not a follower of any model, singer or actress... but I have to admit that if I had to choose a famous face, undoubtedly will be she, Cara Delevigne. I think that have a diferent face to the rest of people, her identity mark, like she says, are her eyebrows. I think eyebrows are very inportant in the face. Fixed eyebrows, thick and naturals are the most important features in the face .This 22 years old London model, is the coolest and popular and all the most important brads wants her services. I leave you some pics,what do you think?
Muchas gracias por tu visita!
Carol Balaguer.